Wash the inside of your engine

Restore performance, save fuel and reduce your car’s CO emissions with the proven engine deep clean.

Keeping your car on the move is expensive, so cut down your costs by improving the fuel efficiency of your vehicle. An EDT Treatment will be the best thing you have given to your car, it’ll bring back the smile you had when it was ‘new’.

Improving fuel economy by up to 26%

Increasing power (6 BHP) on average and Torque (7Ftlb)

Lowering CO emissions by an average of 69%

Providing a smoother, quieter engine

Extends the life of your engine by removing wearing contaminants down to 1 micron.

Improving engine performance and driveability along with reducing emissions and fuel savings

Lowering Diesel smoke emissions by an average 61%

Preventing premature engine wear by removing contaminants down to 1 micron

EDT for Car Owners

26 %

Increased Fuel Economy

Improving fuel economy by up to 26%

69 %

Lower CO Emissions

Lowering CO emissions by an average of 69%

61 %

Lower Smoke Emissions

Lowering smoke emissions by an average 61%


How it works

Our machine carries out a unique engineering process which removes all the sludge, varnish and debris that builds up in the engine. Improving the engine’s coefficient of friction allows the new oil to perform to its maximum capabilities. This then has a positive impact on fuel economy, CO emissions, engine performance and drivability.

Our engine cleaner device is fully automated and once connected takes less than fifteen minutes to complete a full clean of your vehicle’s engine. It operates using a bespoke mineral oil filtering down to 1 micron.

We currently have experienced average emission reductions on cars tested of 69% on CO and 61% on diesel smoke. Together with many testimonials on the enhanced performance, drivability and fuel savings after an Engine Decontamination Treatment (EDT) has been carried out.

We prepare the car for the engine cleaning treatment. This involves draining the old engine oil.

The EDT machine pumps an environmentally friendly liquid into the engine.

This liquid removes the build-up which contains carbon and varnish and other particles.

A clear container shows you everything being removed.

Once complete a new filter is fitted and new oil added.

EDT for Car Owners


EDT enquiry form

Please use the form below to get started your EDT treatment, or give us a call if you have any questions. 

Call us: 01233 712341

    Office Hours

    Mon - Fri 8AM - 5PM


    01233 712341